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How Do I Know if I Am an Invisalign Candidate?

How Do I Know if I Am an Invisalign Candidate?

If you are looking to correct your smile or put your teeth in a healthier long term position, you may have wondered if Invisalign could work to get you there. When Invisalign first became available in 1998, it could only correct minor tooth rotations and unsightly spacing. As time went on, and Invisalign poured billions of dollars into Research and Development, new breakthroughs were developed and the possibilities are really exciting. With that being said, it is important to work with a provider who not only completes a lot of Invisalign cases, but who also stays up-to-date with the newest advances as things change rapidly. Our days of saying “Invisalign won’t work for you” are almost non-existent now.


Bite Misalignments

  1. Deep bite- when your upper front teeth overlap and cover most of your lower front teeth
  2. Open Bite- when your teeth don’t touch in the front
  3. Over bite (*overjet)- when there is large gap between your upper and lower front teeth and the upper front teeth appear to far forward.

To correct these bite issues it is important to analyze where the teeth need to go in the face and why they were misaligned to begin to prevent future .

Tooth Misalignments

  1. Crowded teeth- very common issue that causes gum issues if left alone long enough in addition to esthetic concerns.
  2. Spacing between your teeth- gaps between your teeth are easy to fix with Invisalign, we just need to make sure the teeth fit together properly once the spacing is closed
  3. Uneven Teeth- Whether it be the edges of teeth or the height of the gums around them, Invisalign can push and pull teeth into the proper position with the help of attachments


There are some situations in which we do not recommend Invisalign for our patients. If you have a lot of bone loss surrounding your teeth, it is not a good idea. Not just for Invisalign, but orthodontics in general should be avoided.

Also, if you have skeletal misalignment of your jaws, which means one or both of your jaws did not develop properly and that is the reason your teeth do not line up. Many times we can do esthetic improvements, but cannot fix the bite without surgical intervention.

Contact Us

If you are interested in finding out if you are a candidate for Invisalign, you can set up a free consultation either in-person or from the comfort of your home in a virtual setting. We love the process of creating beautiful smiles and more importantly the changes to health and confidence that come with it.