Our Mint Hill Dentistry practice always stays on top of the latest in dental technology. We narrowed down the technology available in our office to showcase our Top Five Dental Technologies. When you come into our office, we want you to be relaxed as possible so in addition to all rooms having televisions here are our top five:
#1 – CT Scan
This scanner enables the doctors to evaluate the teeth and jaws in detailed 3D. This allows accurate implant planning, evaluation of wisdom teeth, evaluation of root canals, and evaluation of pathology/abnormalities that are seen on 2D X-Rays. It is huge to be able to have this technology in-house and take the scan immediately, rather than refer each person to a third party, saving you time and additional appointments. Learn more about CT Scan 3D Technology.
#2 – CEREC Same Day Crown Scanning and Milling
This very special machine allows our doctors to make accurate and strong restorations in one visit without the need for impressions. This technology gives much greater control to the dentist over the final outcome of the crown. Learn more about CEREC Same Day Crowns.
#3 – Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
This technology uses the patient’s own blood to create a “supercharged clot” that is full of autogenous growth factors and healing factors. This enables patients to heal from implant and wisdom tooth surgeries faster, with less risk of complications and minimal discomfort. Learn more about Platelet Rich Fibrin.
#4 – Digital X-Rays
These type of X-Rays enable the dentists to obtain crisp and clear images of the teeth to accurately diagnose cavities and periodontal disease. They are also better for our patients because of their low radiation levels. Learn more about Digital X-Rays.
#5 – Digital Photography
We use high resolution camera with a macro lens and specialized ring flash designed for specifically for dental photography, which allow us to capture crystal clear images of your teeth. This enables us to who you exactly what is going on rather than just telling you. Learn more about Digital Photography.
You can learn more about all the dental technology available at our practice by clicking here. While you’re on our website, be sure to check out the new video on an overview of our practice.