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14 Cavities and a Missing Tooth: What Happens Next?

14 Cavities and a Missing Tooth: What Happens Next?

So you come in knowing you have a missing tooth, but find out you also have a total of 14 cavities. What happens next? This case shows an example of an individual who made a remarkable turn-around with regards to their oral health. After putting off treatment for over a year, this person decided to commit to restoring their mouth to a healthy condition.

We’ll cover each part of the repair for you. It sounds like a lot of repairs are needed, but don’t get overwhelmed!

14 Cavities

14 cavities x-ray

It is easy to not do anything, because you feel like there is so much to do. But, take it one appointment at a time. For this person, it took four total appointments over the course of two months to complete all of the fillings.

The Blue Arrows in the photo show the numerous areas of decay that had to be repaired. The Red arrow shows the hopeless tooth that was replaced with a dental implant.

Dental Implant & Restoration

14 cavities CT scan

Once all of the fillings were completed, they were ready to get a dental implant, the final step in restoring this persons beautiful smile. The 3D CT image below shows the digital planning for this implant. The tooth was extracted and the implant placed immediately.

14 cavities implant

The picture above left shows the abutment and crown before attaching it to the implant. The X-Ray shows the final restoration in place. You can see the excellent bone level around the implant.

Final Result

Final result

Here is the final smile after all the cavities were filled and after the dental implant was restored. The blue arrow shows which tooth is the implant crown.

In a matter of six months this person made an amazing turn around!